Sports Luxe Trend // How to wear

It seemed a bit unnatural at first. I mean, wearing running shoes with casual day time wear, sometimes even paired with feminine garments such as an A-line skirt. But hey, once you get used on it, it’s actually pretty cool. Who else loves the sports luxe trend?

Ever since wearing athletic footwear has become hot and happening again, I can’t help but think about 2003, when I was in high school and everyone, -boys and girls- were wearing those colourful puma sneakers. My mum refused to buy them for me, so instead I saved some money and bought a pair myself. A flashy red pair with a white logo and a chunky sole, I couldn’t be more proud. The shoes I’d see myself sporting these days are most definitely Nike Free Runners. If you ask me, those are the most elegant pair of running shoes you could possibly own. It seems like the sports luxe trend is ever expanding and evolving. It started with wearing caps, then number sweatshirts and pants, and now shoes. Pretty cool, don’t you think?

But the big question is, how to wear running shoes without looking like you’re… well having a run. It’s pretty easy actually. If you’re not a very adventurous type when it comes to your personal style, you can never go wrong by pairing your nike’s with a pair of leather pants, a striped sweatshirt and a leather jacket. This kind of outfit is great for casual every day wear and the overall somewhat boy-ish look goes perfectly with sporty shoes. But hey, if you don’t mind playing around with different styles a little; you could try an outfit with a high waisted skirt and a white silk top. A little daring, but trust me: you’ll be turning heads (in a good way!). I’m personally a big fan of putting together outfits that are a little unexpected, so I’m all in for an outfit mixing nike’s with a cute white dress.

Find below a few girls that totally ROCK the sports luxe trend. I can’t help but notice that two of them are Dutch. What can I say, we’re one fashionable nation!

afterdrk-wearing-nike-free-runSources: afterdrk, thefashionguitar, rosariagrace, mode junkie

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