If there’s something I’ve been getting a lot of questions about ever since I started my blog, it will be about my hair routine. So, all the reasons to finally tell you everything about it.
My hair routine is not much special to be honest. I don’t use a hairdryer, curler, straightener or anything. At least, not anymore. I’ve had some obsessive years where I didn’t allow one string of my hair to be curly, so I was straightening it all the time. Result: very ugly dead hair. Ever since I’ve embraced my curly hair and I have never used a straightener anymore. Let me take you through my super easy hair routine…
1 and 2: I use John Frieda shampoo for curly hair and Dove conditioner for coloured hair. I’ve tried pretty much anything, but the combination of these two is just great. The John Frieda shampoo for curly hair activates my curls and makes the hair frizzy free. The Dove condioner for coloured hair does a great job at moisturizing the hair. I believe that the one for coloured hair moisturizes a lot better than the one for normal hair. Oh, and very important: I always sleep with wet hair, for me it does miracles. Lot’s of volume, curls in great shape and it reduces the frizziness.
3: The Moroccan oil is probably the most important part of my hair routine. Without it, my hair easily looks dry and non-shiny. Seriously, once you try it you’re hooked. It really does miracles!
4: I use a bit John Frieda curl spray which is the supplement of the shampoo: it also activates the curls and makes me the curls look more “alive”.
5: I use some hairmousse from a random brand (I’m using Taft at the moment) to create some more volume and the finishing touch is some John Frieda “Secret Agent” crème. Instantly kills all the frizziness!
I hope you enjoyed this little hair routine post. What are your favorite hair products?
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