This girl has style! Her clean, fuss free approach to fashion and beautiful setting of her photos make this account a must follow. I love how Sheryl incorporates denim in many of her outfits, but never fails to look different each time. She lives in oh so beautiful Los Angeles so following her also allows you to have a glimpse in that beuatiful Cali lifestyle that I’m sure many of you are obsessed with just like me.
3. Wishwishwish
The perfectly curated Instagram feed from personal style blogger Carrie is a mix between lifestyle shots, outfits and anything floral. My personal favourite part of her insta feed is the #fromwhereistand and flatlay photos she posts. I love the girly, pink-ish and happy vibe of her feed.

This turban wearing, social media wonder and super stylish gal from Kuwait does everything right in my point of view. Besides the fact that she has the coolest, quirky personal style, she also dares to share a lot of her personal life on instagram. #respect. Her 1.2 million fans obviously appreciate her for it too and rightly so!
5. CNtraveler
This is the account to follow for everyone with a love for “boutique travel”, if I may call it this way. From hotel snapshots with the coolest quirky interior, off the beaten path travel spots and much more, CNtraveler’s photos convince me day after day that I should take the next flight out to whatever the destination is.
7. Iamgalla
I didn’t think I’d get inspired by menswear blogs until I came across Adam’s instagram account. It’s SO good! I’m not sure what I love more, his personal style or the coolest travel shots and stories he shares.