Turns out at the even the “best” internet providing companies take ten to twenty working days to get your internet to work when you move. Frustration all along, but what can I do? I’m in the middle of my blog’s re-design, which I mentioned earlier and this requires a lot of communication, work and exchange of thoughts with the person in charge of the new FashionContainer. So over the past few days I’ve been hopping from cafe to cafe, the library and right now a noisy food court in a shopping centre to use wi-fi.
I’m actually bursting from excitement for all that’s to come, but at this very moment I just want things to settle down and fall in place a little. I’m super happy about my new home and as soon as the furnishing and decorating is done, I will do a home tour! It’s much bigger than my old place, more closet space (yay to that!) and it has a massive front yard. Hassan and I did a small Ikea run yesterday and we bought a new dinner table, chairs and an outdoor table for on the veranda. Still on the hunt for a sofa, something tells me that this might be a challenge, because I’ve got something very specific in mind. It’s going to be a mostly white interior, the perfect complement to the wooden floors throughout the home.Please please, bare with me for a few more days! I will start posting regularly again very soon. Thank you all for your lovely comments, they are much appreciated.

Wearing: Mango blazer (similar here), Asos cami, Asos denim skirt, The Iconic lace up heels, Mango bag (similar here), Michael Kors watch, Dainty necklace